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['æktɪv] n
comp., MS فعال (Pertaining to the device, program, file, record or portion of the screen that is currently operational or subject to command operations)
 English thesaurus
active ['æktɪv] abbr.
abbr. act. (voice Vosoni)   ؛jiggy (TimkinTut)
abbr., polym. act.
commun. N10   ؛U10
mil., abbr. ac   ؛act
ACTIVE ['æktɪv] abbr.
abbr. Achieving Competitiveness Through Innovation And Value Enhancement   ؛All Communities Together In Various Exercises   ؛All Companies Together In Various Exercises
abbr., mil. Advanced Control Technology for Integrated Vehicles
abbr., scottish Advanced Control Technology for Integrated Vehicles (USAF)
ACTIVE ['æktɪv] abbr.
abbr., India Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification (companiesinn.com 13.05)
abbr., oil advanced components through increased volumetric efficiency
: 10 phrases in 1 subject

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